For Mike's gift i made him a basket of all the reason's I love him!!
Daddy and Olivia
Mommy and Olivia
Me and Mike celebrated our five year anniversary on Friday. I cant believe all that has happened in five years! I dont even remeber my life anymore without Mike in it...We have been together for eight years even though two of them we spent apart:( We celebrated by going out to dinner just the two of us and then rented a movie! Olivia is still too tiny to leave overnight so we are planning our big celebration in Feburary when we go on our cruise that we have been planning on and saving up for since we got married. We made the plans to go on one when we were on our honeymoon and we have been saving up ever since. I am so happy to say that i married my best friend and we have only become closer and happier the longer we are married. I look at my life everyday and wonder what i did to deserve the paradise i am in....and most of all i look forward of whats to come!!!
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