Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Guesses anyone???
Well tomorrow is the big appointment where we finally know the sex of our little mystery baby...Any guesses??? We will soon find out.....
Friday, November 5, 2010
Our little miracle!!
Finally the wait is over... it finally happened no more crying because you want something so bad that you can't have. We have a special new little spirit on the way that we are so excited for. We have been excited but so hesitant just in case something happened again like it did the last time. We had a doctor's appointment at eight weeks and saw the heartbeat then we just went in again and heard the strong little heartbeat and the doctor said everything looked great he said all my levels are perfect and the baby is right on track. We are just about twelve weeks so we are almost out of our first trimester and my doctor said we are finally in the safe zone! So I figured its the perfect time to let all of our loved one know our news! We will be having a perfect little May baby again and Gracie is sure it is a girl...but her dad is sure its a boy!! All i care about is a healthy baby I dont care what it is. Gracie is so excited and is so cute about her new baby. I have been way more sick with this baby but I am finally getting out of that stage and am feeling great other than just always tired. We will hopefully be finding out what we are having at our next doctors appointment so we will keep you posted!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
School Girl
Gracie started preschool last month....I can't believe she is getting to be such a big girl! She loves school so much and loves her teacher. Everyday she comes home and is so excited to tell me what they did. She is growing up so fast and as much as I love her and each stage she goes through i hate to see my little princess getting older and i wish I could freeze her to be my baby forever!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
My baby turned 3
I cant believe it but my sweet little Gracie turned three years old! I have very mixed emotions it is so fun to see her growing up and learning so much everyday but i also want her to still be my little baby! Gracie is such a blessing in our lives and we are so grateful we are blessed with such a sweet spirit...spit fire..but sweet! Gracie knows her ABC's she can count to ten she loves to be read to and is a tv junkie. She loves her dog buddy and favortie thing is to play outside. She loves animals and most of all loves people. She is loved by so many and it such a special little girl. For her birthday we had a family party in our backyard with a few friends mixed in. It was so much fun except we got rained out so we ended up in the garage:( Not the best scenery but it was still so much fun! Thanks to everyone who came and showed Grace support and love!
Alec's Graduation
So Mike's little brother Alec graduated from high school this week and we are so proud of him! He is honestly the sweetest boy you could ever meet and we love him so much! We went to Morgan to his seminary graduation last Friday and then this Friday we went back up to his school graduation. Now he is off to camp cherry valley again for another adventure we will miss him so much! p.s. ladies he is single..:)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Amazing Vacation!!
So me and Mike had the opportunity to go to St. Thomas with his family for his little brothers graduation. There was nine of us total all of mike brothers and sisters except Braydon who is on a mission, his parents, and Alec's best friend. It was so much fun and so relaxing this was the first time we have ever left Gracie for longer than a day. We did lots of relaxing and lots of sailing it was so much fun!
Mike finally graduated from college and we are so proud of him! He has worked so hard and he graduated with a 3.7 grade point average and working full time supporting a family! It was such a fun day seing him so happy and knowing that we got through it!! I had just had surgery on my lip so sorry about the pictures i look like i was just in a really bad fight:) I love you babe and am so proud of you!!
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